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2023 Men's Bible Recap

The Goal of the Christian Life is to KNOW GOD. How do we do that you ask? God makes Himself known to us through His written Word, The Bible. The Bible in turn leads to spiritual growth and conformity to Jesus once we understand we are sinners in desperate need of a Savior. 'For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the spirit." I Peter 3:18 Throughout the Bible God gives us directions on the way we should walk and the power to accomplish it through a relationship with Jesus. "I've been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me." Gal.2:20 The Bible is likened to a "roadmap" so it's our responsibility to heed its direction. It's our desire here at Fellowship is to get all our men reading God's Word regularly. Why? Because it will change you, and empower you to live victoriously. So here's a systematic way to help you accomplish that and how it works. This daily plan will tell you what to read. Once you read or listen to the scripture you will listen to a short 6-8 minute Bible ReCap podcast hosted by Tara-Leigh Coble. Register below to sign-up and feel free to jump in at any time. If you need additional assistance with the App and the podcast links, there will be a help link in the instruction email. You can also contact me directly at msparks@fellowshipjackson.com. To register for the 2023 Men's Bible Recap group, click here.
Sparks, Michael

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